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The Life Cycle Of A Power Chair: Why You Should Consider Recycling - Mobility Equipment for Less

The Life Cycle Of A Power Chair: Why You Should Consider Recycling

Have you ever wondered how long the life of a power chair lasts?

With a little TLC and proper maintenance, the life of a power chair could last from 3 to 5 years. However, when your device is no longer has a place in your home, Mobility Equipment Recyclers can find it a new home.

Have you ever wondered where you can donate unused or unwanted power chairs?

According to the World Health Organization, more than 70 million people worldwide are in need of a wheelchair, yet only 10% have access to one. At Mobility Equipment Recyclers, we strive to bridge this gap by recycling donated mobility devices such as power chairs and mobility scooters in order to supply individuals who would otherwise struggle to afford the equipment.

Getting Your Brand New Power Chair

New mobility equipment such as an electric wheelchair or mobility scooter gets a stamp of approval once it's deemed completely finished by the manufacturer. Businesses such as hospitals, rehab facilities, or general stores are shipped this brand new equipment for their consumers.

Going Once…Going Twice…Sold!

Once on display, consumers have a wide range of options to choose from which might come with a hefty price. If affordable for the individual, the equipment allows them to have the opportunity to regain their mobility and independence.

Using Your Power Chair

With the help of a power chair, an individual can find daily activities in their life easy and manageable. From visiting the doctor's office without a struggle, a lovely picnic in the park with the family, to watching your grandchild's soccer game on the sidelines, one thing becomes clear: there isn't a price you can put on your mobility.

No Longer In Need


Do you care about preserving your planet?

If your answer is yes, consider recycling your wheelchair as a donation to our store when the alternative is throwing it out. A donation is one of the best ways to dispose of used, but functional electric wheelchairs and other medical equipment. Mobility Equipment Recyclers can refurbish pre-owned mobility devices to serve someone new.

Rehabilitation For Your Old Electric Wheelchair

Are you having trouble finding a place to donate your old mobility equipment or simply want to clean out the garage/attic? Give us a call at 401-294-4111. If you are unable to dispose of mobility or medical equipment on your own due to health-related reasons, we'll collect and transport your donation free of charge. Donating not only gives the device a second life, but it also helps reduce the carbon footprint we leave behind. For more information please visit our dedicated donations page!

In Good Hands

Often times, individuals find us when they either struggle to afford new mobility equipment on their own, get denied by Medicare and Medicaid, or their private insurance providers won't cover the expenses. We're here to provide a solution for those individuals that need financial assistance to obtain the equipment that they need to gain their independence.

One important aspect of our company is our core values on sustainability. First and foremost, we accept unwanted or donated equipment so it doesn't end up being sent to landfills. After we refurbish the equipment, we offer savings up to 50-90% off MSRP so customers get the equipment they need.

When people make the choice to donate their practically new or gently used power chairs, electric scooters, or other mobility devices, we're happy to take them. Even the spare parts matter to us. We can use these functional parts to fix up mobility equipment at a reduced price to our customers.

With your donations, we're particularly giving during the holiday season with...

The Gift of Mobility

The Gift Of Mobility is a way for us to give back to those in need during the holidays though our giving doesn’t just end at Christmastime.

Medical Equipment Giveaway

Since starting the Gift of Mobility in 2014, we’ve given away over 30 electric wheelchairs, scooters, hospital beds, walkers and other pieces of medical equipment.

We donate equipment to those in need throughout the year and offer up to 90% off MSRP on select equipment ALL year long.

The Big Picture

At Mobility Equipment Recyclers, we know medical equipment can be extremely costly. That's why we encourage donations. While this equipment shouldn't just be thrown away, don't let it collect dust in the attic or basement either. It would be a shame to waste beneficial devices, notably if it can serve a purpose for someone who can't afford it.


If you would like to donate mobility devices, let us know by giving us a call at 401-294-4111. If you're in the market for a mobility device, visit our store at 6802 Post Road, North Kingstown RI 02852. We can save you up to 50-90% off MSRP on quality certified pre-owned mobility equipment and accessories.

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